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Tuesday 29 September 2015

Vibe Double Page Spread Analysis

This is my analysis of a double page spread from a Vibe magazine. 


Wiz Khalifa, as seen on the left side of the double page spread takes up the whole left side in this close up of his face while he is smoking. This is done to show his importance in the article, and to show what is about. In terms of lighting, the light is on the front of his face, so he stands out against the black background. For his hat, the two colours are black and orange, which shows the colour theme for the double page spread. His hat is orange with a black 'P' in the middle, and on the other side of the page, the 'WK' is black and orange. The image of Wiz Khalifa itself shows him looking moody and tough, staring right into the camera, without any problems, and smoking to show his relaxed impressions. 

The masthead itself shows the subtle link and colour link between the black and orange on the WK and on the hat. The masthead, reading 'HOW HIGH?' can be referred to the fact that he is smoking, and he is known to smoke marijuana, so the 'high' can be linked to the effects of smoking. This can be done to attract the reader, and help with the target audience – the younger generation, who would find this more appealing. 

The layout of the double page spread is very simple – a picture of the main attraction on the left, header on the top right and the bottom right the writing. This shows that the magazine didn't need to do anything like pull quotes and a lot of bold writing to attract people in as Wiz Khalifa should be enough. 

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