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Wednesday 23 September 2015

Carrying Out Task 2

As part of task 2, I made a few notes during media to help me with doing my work. Here are some of the notes I got:

Media Notes

Page Layout
Typography – different fonts for different audiences
Margins and columns – why do we have them?
Drop caps – Large first letter
Pull quotes
A ‘house’ style


Modes of address – first, second, third person
Tone – formal, informal – how far can you go?
Structure – feature, profile, Q&A

How does this all link to music genre?

Analysing a Music magazine cover
-          2 main colours, red and white
-          Drop caps
-          Pull quote – SKY’S THE LIMIT
-          Formal and informal
I also had a picture from google images, of a magazine cover which had been annotated, that I will use to help me annotate my own magazine cover.

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