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Wednesday 23 September 2015

Media Homework

As part of my induction , we had to analyse a double page spread from a magazine article as homework, here is what I wrote :)

Task 2: Researching Music Magazines
DJ Magazine (known as DJ Mag) is a British Magazine which focuses on electronic dance music and DJ's. Founded on January 31st 1991, this popular monthly magazine has its own translated versions in 10 different languages, with Polish being for the last 5 years (according to Wikipedia 2015).

The image of Berliner Thomas Gold is taken at a medium shot, with a large amount of the picture taken with a shadow on him. on the right of his body, is the brightest, where we can clearly see him and what he looks like, his eyes, ears and facial hair. But, the left side of him is far from it. It is dark, and almost silhouette like. By wearing a black shirt, this darkness of the left side of his body and mainly his arm blends in. By having the image taken in this way, it may be portraying that there is more than what meets the eye with him,you don’t get the full image. it can also be to do with the theme of his music, that he does 'Metal', hence the name Metal Guru. In the background, we see two shades of gold in various shapes. The shapes can vaguely be seen on the bottom right of his shirt. This could be representing his name, in the fact that he has a gold background to a picture of himself with his name being Berliner Thomas 'Gold'.

Conventions of page layout 
The font used in this magazine is very standard – easy to read and not too posh or fancy. The double page spread is shaped like a newspaper, written in columns,but styled in a Q&A style, with the questions in the same font and size as the rest of the writing, but just in bold to make it clear and show the beginning of new columns. the main part that stands out in this double page spread, as it should be, is the header text. 'Metal Guru'. The Metal part (written in bold) stands out the most, in a much thicker, black writing, which can be related to Berliner and his black top and shadowy figure. Although there is the header text and drop cap at the beginning of the columns, we do not see any pull quotes. This may be for many reasons, but one reason I can see why is because there is not much writing on the page anyway, so the header text itself should be enough to drag the reader in if there is not going to be a pull quote. Also, to go along with the dark theme is the black writing. Being the most standard colour for typing it links with everything else, and gives the best contrast of black and white, meaning it is easy to read.

Written in a Q&A style, this piece of writing, is very formal, as we are reading what he was saying in person. The tone of the language was very calm, it allowed us to read it in our heads and imagine just how he would have said it, which most people would like. The structure, as we said before is like how a newspaper would display its articles. In this format, it makes the writing look more professional. The writing itself is separated, and does not collide with the gold background or Berliner himself. This makes the writing stay on one page, and doesn’t make it hard to read.


The picture of him was most likely taken on a white background, to allow someone else to edit the gold in, and make for a more professional image. This makes it different to others, and shows a genre of being more towards the younger generation – laid back, simple dressing of just a black top, whereas he could have been dressed in a suit and have a more explosive background, which might show it is aimed at a different type of audience.  

After it was marked, my teacher gave me a C grade, with a few notes that could help me achieve a better grade. 

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